I hope everyone had a relaxing break! I was so excited to see everyone in school today ready to learn new and wonderful things for 2011. I got to hear everyone's stories about what they did during the big snow storm!
Today, I also received the December reading log from a couple of students. Congratulations to those students on winning a certificate for a free one-topping personal pizza from pizza hut. Check out this website for more details about the importance of reading with your child: http://www.bookitprogram.com/Parents/index.asp
Today, we read
Do Like Kyla by Angela Johnson.
We are starting to write personal narratives, which is a story about ourselves and takes place in 1 day!
Do Like Kyla is a personal narrative about a girl who copies her big sister, Kyla.
In reading today, we worked on not only making predictions but also checking them to see if our prediction was right or wrong after we finished the story! Try this at home when you are reading:
-Stop in the middle of the book
-Make a prediction "What will happen next?"
-When you finish the story, ask youself if the prediction was right or wrong
-Why was it right/wrong?
Here is a website to help with making predictions: