Saturday, January 9, 2010

The vowels of the alphabet! I know them all by name, oh!

We just started learning about vowels in school! Vowels are special letters in the alphabet. We learned this vowel song. You can sing at home with your family. (Note to parents: the song is sung to the bingo tune)

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know their short sounds too, oh.
(sing as short vowels)
I know their short sounds too, oh.

Here's a game you can play to help with vowels:

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